The reboiler, as the name implies, is a device used to replenish the heat lost by a process commodity. It is natural that during the refining process commodities will lose heat. In many cases lower temperature means less efficiency and productivity.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to reheat certain commodities after a period of time. Two types of reboilers are available for use: the kettle-type and the thermosyphon. A kettle-type reboiler is similar in design and appearance to the shell and tube exchanger. The commodity to be heated is routed, via pipe, to and from the heater and fractionation column.
The thermosyphon reboiler, however, is attached directly to a fractionating column via its nozzles. The inlet and outlet nozzles of a reboiler are bolted directly to the two nozzles on the fractionating column.
Reboilers are used to keep fluids, which are circulating through a tower, at their peak operating temperature. The process commodity enters the reboiler from the tower in a liquid state, is heated by either superheated steam or another hot liquid, and is returned in a vaporous state to an area in the tower called the flash zone
Appreciation: Many Thanks to all whom their inputs & Videos were part of this article