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MUST SEE FIRST Latest Info Announcement

About Us
We are a dedicated team having a great respect to technology and its importance in the business growth. When technology is utilized in an appropriate manner, it can ease our work and improve our operations leading to business process improvement. Our education, and hands on experience gives us the edge in QHSE field. QHSE Companion App is a product of our experience.
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TODAY !! How Can You Manage QHSE Systems Enormous Standards, Regulations, Requirements & Database
Adequately & Professionally
time to Integrate, Streamline & Consolidate
the Information
QHSE Companion Database Application
Delivers the Solution

Integrated Database Application with innovative approach that encompasses sub-applications to choose from in one platform

No need for confusion in managing your QHSE implementation ANYMORE
Saving Time & Cost must be your
Ultimate GOAL
QHSE Companion Application advantages
Avoid data missing, duplication and contradiction
Ensure data cascading & distribution within QHSE team members simultaneously
QMS & HSE data updated, concurrently among teams
Non conformities robustly tracked and resolved across team
Standards requirements & clauses available on the spot
Many more etc.

Our Mission
Our mission is realistic. We strive in making technologies and existing applications an asset for the business not a problem. Many times we see solutions that are not appropriate for the specific client’s business needs. These solutions do not take into consideration the business’ functionalities, needs and personnel capabilities, and subsequently recommend applications without having thorough knowledge of that business QHSE day to day interactive operations.
This practice should not be acceptable at all. We have developed this application based on a real hand work within the field of QHSE. We strive to make technologies advancement integrate seamlessly with your business, so your business can benefit and grow.
When your business grows ours will grow with it as well. Thus, we work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

Our Goal
QHSE COMPANION Database Application is applicable to any organization or company applying or in the process of implementing any types of Management System Standards.
QHSE Companion platforms can facilitate & support the organization’s management standards and many other core requirements.
It can save time & money. Prevent wasted man-hours & eliminate unnecessary repetitive tasks. Many functions and tasks can be centralized to a single source. All functions of your operation can be viewed instantly with updated data, results and many many more. QHSE Companion Applicable to many entities & industries, Exp. Oil & Gas, Logistics, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Medical, Projects, Retail and more.

We can conduct online live presentation of our product QHSE Companion application, as per scheduled appointment. We are close to you as your fingertips.
We utilize the following online conference applications
Microsoft Teams
MS Teams offers free basic version to download.
If you like an on line live demo within the comfort of your organization, please contact us through these channels to set up the Date & Time
Many Thanks & Appreciation To All Educational Videos Creators

Request a DEMO Today
time to Integrate, Streamline & Consolidate
time to start the race

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